
Make ART for our BLOG!! دعوة للمشاركة في مدونتنا

Saturday May 15, 2010

In the spirit of Maintaining our blog, and envolving more youth journalists and bloggers in, we are Inviting you, readers & visitors to send us, graphics, articles and podcasts or any type of contribution you would like to see posted here on our blog, in your personal name.
Remember your contributions:
-Should be your personal authentic work
-Be creative and preferably artistic
-And can be in English, French or Arabic.
Send us back before June 15 @ :
في إطار تعزيز محتوى مدونتنا، و دمج أكبر عدد من الصحافيين و الصحافيات الشباب في تحرير هذه المدونة، نتشرف بدعوتكم لإرسال لنا أي عمل (مقابلة‘ مقال، فيديو، وثائقي، رسم أو كاريكاتور) يحمل توقيعكم و يتناول قضيتنا الأساسية
رجاءً الإلتزام منكم بأن تكون المشاركات
من صنعكم و تحمل توقيعكم بشكل قانوني
فيها حس إبداعي أو فني
مع إمكانية أن تكون باللغة العربية، الإنكليزية أو الفرنسية
يمكن إرسال المشاركات على بريدنا الإلكتروني ذلك قبل 15 يونيو 2010

"This is just a minor example of how illogical this whole story is" by Sarah S.

" Dear SheBlogsLebanon editorial team,
I'm a lebanese woman married to an italian man, i have 2 children. every time we go to lebanon to visit my family I have to stand in line for at least 20 minutes if not more especially in summer time (tourists season)to get the visa for my husband and children. as a lebanese citizen, i was able to apply for the italian citizenship 6 months after my marriage and i received the italian passport 5 years later. if i want to get a residence permit for my children and my husband we would have to go through all the headaches of the lebanese bureaucracy and children who were born in Lebanon got automatically the italian citizenship but not the lebanese.i understand that being a lebanese is very hard at the moment.

every step we make outside lebanon we need a visa. having said that i have to admit i'm very proud to be a lebanese and i'm raising my children to be proud lebanese as well but how can i when they don't even belong there legally? at the moment we live in Bahrain, my kids go to the British school. now the schools here have a very strict policy abt learning arabic. if a child does not have an arabic passport, he cannot take arabic lessons. this means one or both parents have to be kids speak fluent arabic so i had to go and meet the principal and try to explain to him that i can't give my children the lebanese passport for politicl reasons. after months of arguing i finally succeeded to get them in arabic classes.
This is just a minor example of how illogical this whole story is.
i cannot believe that in a country that is considered the Switzerland, the Paris of the Middle East, women have no a time where women get high education, get high positions, basically have it all, have no rights whatsoever, it's outrageous. the laws must change or lebanon will cease to be the great country we all love. "
Thanks for this opportunity.
Sarah S.

Our 2 months Anniverssary!

Saturday 8 May, 2010

Dear She Blogs Lebanon readers,
we chose today, Saturday May 8th, our 2 months anniverssary, to celebrate it with you in a VERY special way, by publishing one of the most interesting letters that we have recieved from you, our faithful readers to our e-mail
Enjoy the reading!
القراء الأعزاء
لقد اخترنا اليوم، بمناسبة مرور شهرين على تأسيس هذه المدونة، لنشر واحدة من أهم الرسائل التي تم تلقيها على بريدنا الإلكتروني
مع كامل الإحترام و التقدير


This is Lebanon…a loaded phrase.

Monday April 26, 2010

In support of the SheBlogsLebanon, Thomas Hornig, an American artist married to a Lebanese woman, and living in Lebanon for 18 years now, speaks about his experience with the nationality law, his hopes and fears, and what would it mean to him, to have the Lebanese nationality.

When I explain that I’ve had eighteen continuous years residence in Lebanon. Eighteen years as a Professor at the National Conservatory of Music. Eighteen years of Marriage to a Lebanese Woman. Eighteen years of demeaning and costly work-permit / residence permit renewals. Eighteen years of living with no social safety net, no social security, no protection under the law and no retirement benefits. The hair-trigger response is always the same “This is Lebanon”. This very loaded phrase is the ultimate deal breaker. It implies apathy, frustration, a painful past and hopelessness. For a foreigner like me it represents an impasse, a ‘catch 22’.The weight of this 1925 nationality has affected me and my family in many ways subtle and profound. The devastating domino effect of the archaic 1925 Nationality law can be validated in the lives of thousands of husbands, children and grand children who live here, work here and contribute, in many fantastic and immeasurable ways to Lebanon and Lebanese society…Here’s my story:Most of my students were born years after my arrival here. I am a civil servant. My wife is a civil servant. My daughter was born at the American University Hospital in Beirut. As a Professor of Music I hold highest classification reflective of my sixteen years of study. I pay taxes, insurance payments, water payments, electricity payments, tuition fees, house payments, car payments and have done so for eighteen years. As civil servants, our combined salaries do not cover all of these costs and, to add insult to injury; I’ve been required to pay nearly $40,000 in residency fees ($2,000 each year… x 18). Add this to health insurance and a very long list of exclusions such as public education and tax returns for families with children...It's scary. Now, as possibly the first American Male to take up residence after the civil war in Lebanon, my first years here were humbling. I was a guest and acted as such for many years…”Lebanon took me under its wing and treated me like a king” I often recount. Moving to another country is like being born again and frankly, for those first ten years I felt like a child. However, I am now 45 years old and as a provider, a father and a husband I can no longer ignore the fact that I own nothing. My wife and I can no longer accept that our family has no social safety net, no protection under the law, no social security and a very, very uncertain future with no retirement benefits. We desperately want our daughter to feel, and be seen as 100% Lebanese! One can not mention the Nationality Law without using words like assimilation and identity. I often give the example of a Lebanese living in Germany who never learns to speak fluent German knowing that he/or she will never be identified as a full citizen. This unfortunate inability to assimilate leads to an immeasurable loss of opportunity. For my daughter, like all of the other children born in Lebanon denied their Lebanese Nationality, there is an even more fundamental crisis of identity. At the age of nine how will she begin to answer the simplest on most important question of all: ‘Who am I’? Is she Lebanese or American? Is her mother tongue French, English or Arabic? Is she Christian or Muslim? Is she culturally an Arab or Westerner…Where does she fit in?

The Nationality question has served to censure the constitution, equality and the rule of law! We all hold out hope that the thousands of husbands, children and grand children who live, work contribute and will eventually die here will be granted a right which is, was and will always be inherently theirs! ___________________________________________________________________

Thomas Hornig -
Professor of Saxophone at
the Lebanese National
Conservatory of Music.
(Father of the beautiful
young lady on the right of this page).


The story behind this picture ?

Sunday 18 Apr, 2010;
Dear readers,
the picture of this young lady, has been published in many local and international newspaper, during the past month. And like every photograph, there is a story behind this picture.
Who is this determined young girl?
Why would a girl her age, hold such a sign?
Stay tuned to our blog ... Because we will be displaying soon the story of this beautiful girl and her support to our cause.
The SheBlogs editorial team;

القراء الأعزاء
وراء كل صورة قصة. و خلف هذه الصورة المميزة و التي اجتاحت معظم الصحف المحلية و بعض الصفحات الدولية قصة أيضاً. فهذه الفتاة الشابة، المتمردة على واقع قانون الجنسية اللبنانية، استطاعت أن تثير عبر هذه الصورة فضول الكثيرين
لذلك، ابقوا على اتصال بمدونتنا، لأننا سننشر قريباً القصة التي تقف وراء هذه الصورة
مع كامل المحبة
فريق التحرير

Great News!

Sunday 11 Apr, 2010;

The United Nations Youth Association of Lebanon's board, adopted on April 8, 2010 a decision to host the She Blogs Lebanon initiative as part of their 2010 "Lebanese women right to nationality" campaign.
The UNYA-Lebanon, through its wide youth network, will be providing the SheBlogsLebanon editorial team, with technical, logistic and human resources, to have the best new contributions at your disposal, dear readers.
We are very excited with this partnership!
Hoping to get your feedback and suggestions, like always at
The editorial team;


الجنسية في بعض الدول العربية

Thursday 25 Mar, 2010
تعتبر الجزائر مضرب مثل للنساء العربيات من حيث حق المرأة في إعطاء الجنسية لزوجها وأولادها مع التتشديد على المفعول الرجعي
لهاذ القانون

من جهتها مصر أعطت الحق للأم لكن من دون أي مفعول رجعي وهو ما يحرم عدد كبير من الأطفال من حقوقهم

ومؤخراً إنضمت المغرب في ابريل من العم 2007 الى قافلة البلدان التقدمية في قانون الجنسية، فأعطت الحق للمغربية المتزوجة من أجنبي بإعطاء الجنسية للأولاد مع مفعول رجعي. وفي هذا الأطار تشرح نائبة رئيسة الجمعية المغربية الديموقراطية لنساء المغرب د. نعيمة حمومي في حديث الى "الحسناء" أن ما تم التوصل اليه هو نتيجة جهود بذلت على مدى 4 سنوات بدعم من الجمعيات والمجتمع المدني المغربي، ويتركز هدفهن اليوم على توعية النساء حول الاجراءات الإدارية الواجب اتباعها للحصول على

الجنسية لأولادهن والعمل بجهد على الحصول على الحق نفسه للزوج الأجنبي

وتؤكد د. حمومي تفاؤلها لجهة إقرار المزيد من التحسينات في قانون الجنسية نظراً للرغبة الملكية والشعبية في هذا الموضوع. ومن سوريا حيث الوضع لا زال شبيها بلبنان، أعربت نوال اليازجي من رابطة النساء السوريات " عن تفاؤلها بإقرار قانون عادل للجنسية في بلدها على الرغم من مرور أكثر من 6 اعوام على بدء الحملة في سوريا والمنضوية في حملة "حنسيتي حق ولأسرتي الاقليمية" والتي تضم 7 بلدان عربية ( لبنان، سوريا، المغرب،مصر، تونس، والبحرين، الاردن). وتشرح يازجي أن الحملة في سوريا قدمت في العام 2004 رسالة الى مجلس الشعب وقع نتيجتها 35 عضوا على إقتراح تعديل القانون وقدموه الى رئيس المجلس. وتضيف يازجي أن الحملة وجهت رسالة الى الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد في العام 2006 للمطالبة بتعديل الفقرة (أ) من المادة الثالثة لتصبح " يعتبر عربياً سورياً حكماً من ولد في القطر أو خارجه من والد عربي سوري او والدة عربية سورية". وحوّل الرئيس السوري الإقتراح الى لجنة العدل التي ووافقت عليه ولا تزال الرابطة بإنتظار القرار بتعديل القانون.
بوسع علي العراقي الأب، المحروم من جنسية بلدا أمه وأبيه، أن يطالب بأن يصبح طفل غير شرعي فيصبح لبنانيا بموجب القانون كما نُصحت والدته ان تفعل، أو ينتظر أن تشفق دولة أمه عليه وتمن عليه بجنسيتها وهي حق له، أو يحلم بمدام ايفون سرسق جديدة - أو الليدي كوكرن نسبة الى زوجها الايرلندي- تنتزع له حقه وتعيد الاعتبار له ولأمه في بلده، ولمن لا يعرفها فمدام سرسق هي من اعادت للبنانيات الحق بالاحتفاط بجنسيتهن بعد الزواج بأجنبي، حق كان سلبته الدولة منهن حتى العام 1960.

إليسار قبيسي